Keep your fund in FD or buy some debt fund.
Yearly return 6%-7%.
Use collateral to trade intraday and on expiry day.
Here sell only option which are trading at 8-12 Rs on normal day with leverage.
You will make weekly 0.2-0.3% return.
Take position bon Wednesday to get another 0.2% return per week. ( Here interest will we only for 1 day to use collateral margin)
Play expiry on Thursday with 10x leverage. You will make atleast 1% by selling 2-4 Rs option with huge qty.
Same you can repeat every week.
Icount some drawback and your monthly return will be 4% of your capital.
Now show this consistency and do nothing for 1 year.
You are eligible to conduct workshop every week to teach this method and some theoretical strategies
You will make more money than trading. That is my guarantee.
If you are ok with this continue workshop every week.
Remember don’t miss any Saturday/ Sunday. Trading is not important now as you are making more money through workshop.
You need to be safe on trading to show consistency
So never play stock future
Play only index option and sell option only which are trading below 15
So consistency will continue to show performance to do workshop
But you will not get satisfaction by doing this if u r genuine